You start from Maniac and choose the “S” choices rather than “M” ones, which unlocks Ending 03 first and then Ending 02 is the full on “S” Ending)). Anyway, I did things a little bit differently with going from Ending 01 to Ending 03 because that’s actually how it works. I’m really sorry! Laito was an interesting character but at the same time he didn’t… excite me. ((I don’t have anything to say about how long this took me. He also has a terribly cynical view on love and only seems to believe in lust due to his past with his mother. He has this habit of calling Yui by the nickname “Bitch-chan”. He appears to be a flighty and ditsy playboy but that just hides his perceptiveness and cunning. Laito is one of the triplets and comes with a manipulative streak a mile long. This entry was posted in Collaboration, Diabolik Lovers, Otome Games and tagged Diabolik Lovers, Haunted Dark Bridal, Otomate, PSP, Rejet, Toriumi Kousuke. I’ve finally completed Eva’s request from my blog’s first anniversary though SERIOUSLY THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR PATIENCE). Moreover, can you seriously believe it’s been two years since I started this game? LOL. I won’t be playing More Blood or Dark Fate. I finally collected all the vampires and this concludes my Diabolik Lovers journey. Also, underneath his lethargy, he can be quite cunning. He can be surprisingly sadistic and perverted. He comes off as being lethargic and disinterested in everything and anything but, as like all his other brothers, this personality came from an event in his past. Wedding bells resound in the background.Shu is the eldest of the brothers in the Sakamaki family. An everchanging, eternal love ーー to you.” *Smooch* “Will you promise your eternal love and loyalty to me - Tsukinami Carla?” “…While the real ceremony is not until tomorrow, there is no rule that says a vow can only be established once. I did not know one could shed tears out of joy as well.” *Rustle* “…!! What is the matter? Why are you crying?” “I am begging you…Even if only for a couple of seconds…Hold me tightly. It is only obvious that my Mother would choose you as a fitting candidate to become my wife.

“You - together with me - will be the ones giving literal life to the future of us Founders. I was convinced that my bloodline would end with me, you see. Very fitting to be handed down after exchanging our vows, no?” *Rustle* It’s meaning means an unchanging eternity. My mother - and the ring’s previous owner - Chrone approves of that as well. “You are the one to inherit it as my wife. It is a Sphene ring which has been passed down amongst Founders for generations.” “…I was going to hide it from you until tomorrow’s ceremony, but I suppose there is no point in doing that now. The fact you found this box is the perfect proof. “Rejoice! You have been approved as the wife of a Founder! Do not look so surprised. “Haah…Good grief…To think you just ‘coincidentally’ happened to pick up the exact thing I have been eagerly searching for…What is going oーー…Aah, no. “If you understand, then hurry up andーー” *Rustle* You notice something on the floor and pick it up. “…This is something I must find by myself.” “When did I ask for your help? Just leave instead of trying to meddle with matters which do not concern you.” …More importantly, this place is covered in dust, get out.” In that case, go and check on it one more time just to assure everything is perfect.” “Were you not busy with the finishing touches to your dress for tomorrow’s ceremony? Are you ready?” You enter the room right as something drops on the floor. …Heh, although this is not the time to take a trip down memory lane…I am fairly sure they stored it here after my Mother’s passing…” *Woosh* Somehow that feels like a recollection from a distant past.

“…The last time I entered this place, must have been when we came here after tracing back Menae’s lingering aura. Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5 → LIKE MY TRANSLATIONS? SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI! Track 5: Unchanging Eternity

I did get to see some other sides to Carla as well, which was interesting for sure. uwu The Bloody Bouquet CDs just have such a sweet plot, I feel like I can enjoy them regardless of how I feel about the actual character, haha. (Although Kanato’s screeching does push it at times) Thankfully, I was pleasantly surprised. Even though I have a hard time dealing with Kanato and Laito as well, their CDs can be very intriguing and I have no issues with their voices either. Translator’s note: I have to be honest - I was kind of dreading this CD because Carla is just not a character I usually enjoy.